Tribute to Robert Kuettle

Our beloved President Robert Kuettle died on January 25,2020, after a lengthy battle with colon cancer. Robert was a kind and equitable President, with exceptional leadership skills. In addition to serving as President for many years, Robert was the editor of our quarterly publication, The Bulletin. He also spent thousands of hours working for the Society coordinating sales, extending friendship to the public to increase membership and interest in Epiphyllums, creating slideshow meeting programs, tending the Pentico collection as curator, and serving as a registration resource for the epiphyllum registry and the soon to be published Schlumbergera/Rhipsalidopsis Registry. Robert worked tirelessly to mentor judges and coordinate our annual shows. In addition to his dedication to the ESA, Robert was an accomplished hybridizer in his own right. His loss leaves a void that will be difficult to fill. From your friends at the ESA, Robert, THANK YOU. We will never forget you.