ESA Monthly Membership Meeting

February 4, 2019 

Join us for a tribute to the  ESA's late President Robert Kuettle.

PROGRAM: Wressey Cocke hybrids has been rescheduled. 


Southern California hybridizer Wressey Cocke (1905-1993)

produced some beautiful and famous hybrids, most notably from his cross of 'Ruby Snowflake' x 'Tassel'

We'll enjoy a slideshow highlighting these flowers.


You won't want to miss this meeting!

Tuesday, February 4, 2019

 Los Angeles Arboretum

301 N Baldwin Ave

Arcadia Ca 

7:30-9:00 pm

Free parking and admission. Refreshments provided.

New members and first time attendees receive a free rooted cutting


 Members whose last names begin with 


it's your turn to bring a snack, help serve and clean up! Please bring something to serve 6-8 people.....cookies, cupcakes, chips, soda etc.  

Are you a member who can't attend meetings? Not to worry! We summarize information from our meetings and send it to you in our quarterly "Bulletin."