Board Meeting Minutes March 2014

Epiphyllum Society of America

Board Meeting Minutes

Los Angeles County Arboretum, Bamboo Room

Tuesday, March 25, 2014 @ 7 pm


Executive Board members present:Keith Ballard, Marrie Caldiero, Geneva Coats, Ken Hanke, Robert Kuettle, Jim Nones, Galen Pittman, Paul Richter,


Absent: Ed Beardsley, Mary Beardsley, Loretta Garcia, Dick Kohlschreiber, Maria Schmidt.


The meeting was called to order at 7:18 pm by President Mr. Galen Pittman. Mrs. Geneva Coats was appointed acting recording secretary. Minutes of the January 28, 2014 meeting were not available.


President's Report - Galen Pittman

We have many items to discuss; upcoming sales, our annual show as well as EpiCon.

Vice President's Report - Robert Kuettle

Have been busy preparing for upcoming sales as well as finalizing latest edition of the Register of Hybrids and Species.


Corresponding Secretary's Report - Maria Schmidt



Membership/Treasurer's report - Geneva Coats

Need an audit committee. Deferred until after the annual show. Will prepare packets for new members to have available at the annual show.




Directory/Register status

Proofreading is nearly complete, a cover has been selected. Should be sent to printer soon and available by May.


Registration protocol

New forms under development.

Epicon 2014 plans

Reservations are coming in. Several programs have been planned, including presentations by Rudi Dorsch (European hybridizers), Rudolph Hessing, and Galen Pittman/Robert Kuettle have plans for presentations on newly registered introductions and new unnamed seedlings. Videotaping will not be allowed.


IPAD or Notebook for sales and inventory

New database program needed, to be used for the Registry as well as for Pentico inventory. Mrs. Coats will check pricing for IPAD which can also be used for credit card purchases at sales.


501c3 nonprofit status

Information and retainer of $2500 has been sent to Douglas Higham Jr. with Robinson & Robinson LLC in Irvine. He will assist with the formation of a nonprofit public benefit corporation, the application for a new EIN, the preparation of a tax-exemption application (Form 1023) for submission to the IRS, and the corresponding registrations with the California Attorney General (Form CT-1) and the California Franchise Tax Board (Form 3500A). He is reviewing our proposed Constitution and bylaws to see if that works for incorporation and if not will advise on how to amend those documents.



New website, under our current URL. David can download all the pages from the old site and place in subfolders on the new site. Mrs. Coats has also contacted another web designer for possible alternate Wordpress site. Mr. Kuettle to evaluate as soon as possible. Also would like to set up a members only password-protected section where the roster, meeting minutes, CBL etc can be stored. We might want to consider making our photos password-protected for members only, too. That might help to bolster membership.


Digital Library

Proposal that we scan our library, at least all the magazine articles and catalogs, original registration forms, as well as our slide library. This material can eventually be put on a members only section of the website for people to use as research material. We need to create a digital archive of all this material in before we lose it. Would like to include any photos received with new registrations as well. Also we need to find out how many books we have and make them accessible for members to check out.

A motion was made by Mr. Ballard, seconded by Mr. Richter, to approve an amount up to $500 for the purchase of a scanner. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kuettle will research and purchase.


Green Scene CSUF April 10-13, 2014

See packet . Volunteers sign up with Mrs. Caldiero. Please fill out liability form for participants and return to Mrs. Coats. Forms will be available at Tuesday's general meeting.


Spring Garden Show South Coast Plaza April 23-27, 2014

Volunteers sign up for shifts with Mrs. Caldiero. Please complete vehicle information for participant's cars and return to Mrs. Coats. Forms will be available at Tuesday's general meeting.




Program for Tuesday's general meeting

Mr. Richter volunteered to present a slide show. Mr. Kuettle and Mr. Hanke will prepare items for a raffle.


Annual show and sale

Theme is “South of the Border”. Mr. Hanke will arrange hospitality/lunch. Show set-up will be on the Thursday and Friday prior to show and Epicon weekend, May 15-16. Will need to have a meeting for the Saturday May 17 sale volunteers prior to the sale as most of the board will be at EpiCon that day.


Digital Bulletin

Deferred for discussion on the board email list.


Membership welcome packet

Mrs. Coats will assemble a welcome packet for new members to include:

  • Background information about the society, website, meeting dates, etc…
  • Membership card
  • Recent Bulletin
  • Epiphyllum cultural information sheet.

Welcome packets will be available for our spring sales and annual show. Mr. Ballard will provide back issues of the Bulletin so that new members may select one as a gift upon joining.


Free Conference Call Service

Just a reminder that we can conduct our meetings by conference call if it is more convenient than meeting in person. What we do is just set a specific date and time for everyone to call in and you automatically connect with each other, there is no limit to the number of participants and it's free. Phone number and access code has been provided to all board members who should save them for future reference.


Next meeting

The next board meeting will be held Tuesday April 29, 2014 at 7 pm at Los Angeles Arboretum, Bamboo Room.

Upon a motion made by Mr. Hanke and seconded by Mr. Nones, the meeting was adjourned at 8:52 pm.





Geneva Coats

Acting Recording Secretary

Approved (pending vote of Executive Board) April 29, 2014